Monica Gazmuri Del Curto


Social Communicator with a major in managerial marketing and strategic communication.

Since 2011, she has been the CEO of Anesco Chile A.G., the National Energy Efficiency Association of Chile.

She promoted the creation of the private-public round-table for the promotion for the ESCO model in the State facilities, the EE criteria in design, the incorporation of energy managers in public services, as well as the dissemination of the different contract models and implementations of EE in productive industries and public services.

In the last years, she leads the Council of Civil Society for the Ministry of Energy, participates in different work tables for the development of Human Capital, Mitigation and Adaptation, Carbon Price, Decarbonization, Climate Change. She is one of the main developers of the “Energía + Mujer” Labor Fair, to include more women in the energy sector. From this year is member of the advisory committee of Energy Ministry of Energy for the National Long Term Policy.

She has been a member of the jury of the most prestigious innovation contest in Chile, AVONNI Energy, for 5 periods; as well as the EE contest for journalists developed by the Sustainable Energy Agency.

Monica Gazmuri Del Curto



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